Hilary S Hamilton Books

Hilary's Health Haven Handbook

"Hilary's Health Haven Handbook" is a health guidebook filled with the most essential life practices for emotional, intellectual, physical, environmental, and spiritual well-being that I have learned over my twenty-five years of studying health and nutrition. Within this handbook are healthy grocery lists, ideas for healthy snacking and easy-to-make meals, healthy travel guides, a guide on how to be a successful vegetarian or vegan, seasonal eating and lifestyle guides, and much, much more....

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The Journal of Elora

"The Journal of Elora," is a young adult coming-of-age fictional story set in the mid-1990’s when fat-free was all the rage and heroin thin chic models were gracing the covers of all the top magazines… Elora has just finished high school and is about to embark into new college terrain where she will not know a single soul… She has always had a ton of friends, but now feels more alone than she has ever felt in her life, and not only that, she feels she is completely out of control with her eating and it is making her miserable… This is a story told completely through Elora’s journal entries and through the span of one year, Elora encounters magical people whom change her life forever, delivering all of the needed wisdom for her to journey into a life of joy and wonder… The Journal of Elora is a must-read book for all women who want to liberate themselves from body or eating or life issues!!! It is a truly transformational reading experience!!

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Hilary's Health Haven Recipe Book

Over 100 Simple, Easy, Yummy, Healthy Recipes for all cooking levels. All the recipes inside are Plant Based, White Flour-free, White Sugar-free, Gluten-free and Amazingly Delicious! Gathered from Hilary's many years of studying health and nutrition, these are her Go-To recipes that keep her on track for living the best life imaginable! This is a Recipe Book for Everyone!

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